Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Height (on born)
Weight (on born)
Kirana Chavali was born on 11 February 2016 at 10.10 pm with the weight of 3.3 kg and the height of 51 cm. Her mother who is 21 years old have been living with us since the fourth month of her pregnancy and is rejected by her family due to shame and fear of the society’s eye (the grandfather of the baby is someone who the villagers look up to, someone who gives advises). Her family also have financial difficulties. Her boyfriend, the father of the baby, turns out lied to her and when she realised she is pregnant, she also found out that he already have a wife along with 2 young children.
Before she came to the foundation she was depressed because she does not have any one to talk to and is not allowed to get out of even her living room. We decided to taker her in because it would be better since she will have support and someone to consult to about her pregnancy. Although we’ve tried to convince her to raise the baby, she decided that it would be the best if the baby is adopted.