

Jl. Gunung Lawu No.30 Pemecutan Klod, Denpasar, Bali 80118


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Jessamyn Manama Zhaniya

Date of Birth

9 Mei 2022

Place of Birth


Height (on born)

51 cm

Weight (on born)

3420 gr



Jessamyn Manama Zhaniya was born on May 9, 2022 at 23:46 WITA through SC. Jessamyn’s weight is 3,420 grams and her body length is 51 cm. In the midst of confusion because Baby Jessamyn’s biological father dissapeared and did not want to be responsible and the complexity of the problems in the extended family, while the womb was starting to grow, Baby Jessamyn’s biological mother contacted the Foundation to ask for help. Confidently, Baby Jessamyn’s birth mother handed it over to the foundation in hopes of getting better love, milk and nutrition needs met and being able to find a safe home.