

Jl. Gunung Lawu No.30 Pemecutan Klod, Denpasar, Bali 80118


For Visitor/Pegunjung

+62 361 484 525 (Visiting Appoitment)

+62 811 3800 6868 (Donation)

+62 811 390 2223 (Guardian Angel)

For Adoption/Adopter
For Rumah Aman

+62 811 398 338 (Call & Whatsapp)


Date of Birth

29 March 2022

Place of Birth


Height (on born)

46 cm

Weight (on born)

2350 gr



Abhaya Pativedha was born on March 29, 2022 at 01:25 WITA with a weight of 2350 grams and a body length of 46 cm. In the midst of confusion because she was 3 months pregnant and found that baby Abhaya’s biological father had lost contact even though he had previously promised to marry his biological mother, Abhaya’s biological mother looked up to find out about Rumah Aman and had stayed a day but decided to return to her parents’ house across the island. . After a few days, Baby Abhaya’s biological mother called back and asked the Foundation for help to care for and find adoptive parents who really love baby Abhaya.