Date of Birth
18 OCTOBER 2024
Place of birth
Height (on birth)
51 cm
Weight (on birth)
3.140 gr
Hello dear mom...
My name is “Kanoa Jermaine”
Mother said, in ancient times there was a story about a warrior who defended oppressed people until they were saved, from an ancient story originating from Japan.
Jermaine itself means honest, courageous, creative, in Indonesian, honest, brave and creative, the character that Kanoa has as a warrior.
The name is like a prayer and hope, a prayer from a mother for her child, hopefully in the future this hope will come true, Kanoa will become a child who always protects those who deserve to be protected.
Mom came from outside Bali and lived in a safe house before I was born. Initially, Mom wanted to try being a single parent, but after going through it, it turned out to be very difficult, there were several things to think about, one of which was that Mom's family did not approve of her relationship with the baby's father because his religion was different from Mom's. Then, economically, Mom was not ready to take care of a baby, Mom was still in her early 20s, this pregnancy was indeed unexpected but it happened, besides that when I was pregnant, my position was breech and the doctor suggested a C-section.
Confused about her condition, then someone told my mother about MettaMamaMaggha, my mother tried to contact her, but she was asked to think many times before deciding to hand me over to the foundation. Until my mother was really sure, and my mother stayed in a safe house with other pregnant women. When she came to Bali, my parents accompanied my mother to the safe house…
Whatever my mother's reason, at least she didn't choose to abort me, she chose to give birth to me, and take good care of me until I was born.
Dear Kanoa… all children bring their karma when they are born, maybe the beginning of life born into this world Kanoa's life path is rocky and winding. In the future, hopefully Kanoa's life will be good, hopefully what is mother's hope will come true and don't worry, son….
There are thousands of mothers on this IG who will send lots of prayers and hopes for Kanoa, welcome home Kanoa darling…