

Jl. Mount Lawu No. 30 Pemecutan Klod, Denpasar, Bali 80118


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At the Metta Mama & Maggha Foundation, a developmental assessment is carried out every month. Each baby will be assessed on the progress of his development, then a stimulation program will be given to support the baby's development. With this assessment we can monitor the baby's development & can detect early on if there are obstacles and delays in the baby's development.

There are several developments that we assess, among others:



This sensory development is a development related to the sensory system. Such as eyes, nose, ears, mouth, skin & body balance. A good sensory system is a sensory system that is able to interconnect and work together with the brain. For that we take an approach through "play therapy". The Foundation also facilitates toys that support the growth and development of babies in the Foundation.

Such as: Seesaw & trampoline which are useful for training balance, playing with sand / grass is useful for training touch / skin sensitivity.

The benefits of using this method include:

  1. Associating stimuli received by the senses and processed properly by the brain
  2. Translate brain stimulation into good behavior
  3. Channel boredom

More enjoy doing the therapy process with a play approach.



Motoric development is development related to body movements. Motoric is divided into 3, namely gross motor related to body balance, fine motor related to eye and hand coordination, oromotor / oral motor related to biting / chewing. In order to go through motor development properly, a child must have good posture and muscle tone. To carry out an assessment of motor development we look at the milestones/stages of baby development. Then do the approach through neuro sensoro motor reflex integration.

The benefits of taking this approach through therapy are quite a lot, including:

  1. Minimize the presence of developmental barriers at the age of 1 year and over
  2. Helping children to optimize reflexes that support development and remove reflexes that hinder development
  3. Relieve stress in the structure of the body
  4. Activates the natural and genetic program of the motor and all mechanisms of motor development
  5. Supports children's motor and cognitive skills
  6. Helping children use motor skills in learning
  7. Helping children who have unstable emotional problems / tantrums
  8. Help children who have difficulty chewing food


Language and Speech

Development Language and speech abilities actually consist of two separate areas but interrelated, namely the development of speech skills and the development of language skills.

The ability to speak is closely related to the structures of the sound-producing organs, such as the mouth, tongue, palate, and vocal cords ability to coordinate oral movements or oral motor.

Language ability is knowing the concept of language receptively (the ability to understand the words heard) and expressive (ability to say the word).

To get the proper development of language and speech for children, the Metta Mama & Maggha Foundation facilitates media/tools when stimulating children with various types of flashcards, puzzles, story books, activity books, outdoor play facilities and others.

The benefits of stimulating children's language and speech are:

  1. Child Can understand words well
  2. Children are able to express words in body language
  3. Children are able to convey words as a whole to others
  4. Child Able to speak in two directions


Personal Social and Mental

Personal social is development related to the baby's ability to express feelings, the child's relationship with other people, train independence and discipline. Social and mental personal abilities can be seen from the behavior displayed by the baby and the way the baby responds to the activities around him. The Metta Mama & Maggha Foundation pays close attention to the development of the babies in the foundation, especially the social and mental aspects of babies because babies really need stimulation according to the needs of each baby. If the baby has good personal, social and mental abilities, the baby can express his feelings and become more mentally independent to carry out daily activities. The program carried out at the Metta Mama & Maggha Foundation refers to daily living activities which emphasize daily activities such as eating alone, interacting and making eye contact with others, removing and putting on one's own clothes, playing together, instilling rules when playing and developing imagination games. in children. The programs carried out are implemented using various methods such as the play method, role play, and direct demonstrations in front of the baby. The advantages given by paying attention to the personal, social and mental aspects of the baby are:

  1. Can minimize temper tantrum behavior.
  2. Form independent and disciplined habits.
  3. Shaping the baby's mental maturity in adapting to the environment.


The process of Assessment/assessment of baby development is carried out routinely on the 1st – 12th of each month. The results of the assessment of each aspect of development will be combined to see the final value of whether the baby/child concerned is still developing according to his age.



Babies who are still in the age-appropriate development category will be given further development programs that must be stimulated for the baby so that development becomes more consistent.


Babies who have developmental barriers, we will schedule additional therapy or stimulation outside of the stimulation schedule so that babies can catch up with their proper age.


Babies who do have developmental problems and must receive more complex therapy will receive therapy outside the foundation according to their needs.